Have you gotten tired of competing against the same local dancers? What if you could compete against other open platform Irish dancers from around the world—without leaving home?
Live your dream with Digital Feis! Digital Feis helps Irish dancers gain the goal-oriented benefits of a local feis (“fesh,” an Irish dance competition) from the convenience of home: no trendy costuming pressure, no travel costs, and no school membership requirements.
Another bonus? You’re not fighting against other dancers to move up levels. Trained and certified adjudicators award competitive placements and medals, but advancing to the next level is based upon an individual’s own merit, not how dancers rank against their peers.
Competition, schmompetition. I don’t like competing!
No problem! We also offer assessments for Irish dancers who want to move up the ranks, but do not wish to compete against others. Check the box “assessment only” on your entry form, and you’re set! Assessment dancers earn their way through the levels, and earn beautiful certificates instead of medals.
We’re waiting for you. Our next feis is due February 24. Join today!